A full fuel tank? Seriously?
How is this possible when we are faced with so many challenges right now including, but not limited to, a global pandemic, injustices in many forms, climate change, concerns about mental and emotional health, and a democracy in peril?
The load we are carrying right now is heavy. And, things are not going to get any easier in the near future; the journey ahead is a long one.
This week I realized I can't make the load any lighter or the journey any shorter. I need to shift my focus to filling the fuel tank. The focus needs to be on making time for the things that provide joy and positive energy in order to remain strong and steady for myself and the teams I lead despite the challenges we are all navigating.
This came to me one day this week when my own load felt lighter yet the challenges were all still present and actually increasing. The difference was my joy tank was full so I had the energy to carry the load differently.
It was small things that provided the fuel in my tank... stopping at Starbucks for my favorite drink, a phone call with my mom on the car ride to school, spending 5 minutes sitting and talking with a student about a book we both loved, having lunch at the pavilion with colleagues I hadn't seen in awhile, walking and talking with a mentor instead of sitting in our office to brainstorm ideas, and swimming with my own kids after school instead of working on my to-do list for the next day. It was a good day!
My hope is that all of us will focus more on filling our tanks with joy and helping to fill each other's tanks, too.
Together we can do hard things.